"Las Fincas" de Escamequita Private Wild Reserve
It is a protected area of worldwide importance for housing endangered species such as Pacific Mahogany (Swietenia humilis), Mono Bayo (Ateles geoffroyi) and Lora Nuca Amarilla (Amazona auropalliata) among others. These and other species are on the Red List of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and are protected by the CITES treaty (International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species). The reserve has dedicated a large area of its property for conservation (800 acres) in perpetuity through designating the area as a Private Wild Reserve.
This reforestation project was awarded a “Gold Level” validation by the Rainforest Alliance, the third project in the world to receive this recognition. The project will receive monitoring and a permanent audit for the next forty years ensuring that the benefits for the local community and for biodiversity are maintained.
The reserve has a project under development to combat climate change with the planting and care of more than one hundred thousand trees of native species (100,000). This effort was not like any other reforestation project, since only native trees were used and their impact on reducing climate change is being documented.
The Wild Reserve has been selected by international scientists to be part of a permanent monitoring of the forest and biodiversity in Rivas. These scientists include leading biologists from Nicaragua, and scientists from the University of Washington and the US Forest Service. Monitoring began in January 2009 and is expected to continue for twenty years or more.
The Reserve "Las Fincas" is located in a strategic place within the Biological Corridor "Paso del Istmo". This corridor will be the first biological corridor in Nicaragua located in dry forest areas and is key within the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.